Elizabeth: Name Meanings of Elizabeth Baby Names Historical Girl

What Elizabeth name meanings? In Historical meaning of Elizabeth name is: elisabeth the usual spelling of the english. popular taken by queen elizabeth i of english (1533 1603). in the 20th century became a trend, because it is the name of elizabeth bowes lyon (1900 2002), who in 1936 became queen elizabeth as the wife of king george vi. . This name origin from Historical, with name first letter E. And the following table for Elizabeth name meanings.

Meaning of Elizabeth

First LetterCharacterGenderName OriginName Meaning
E9Girl NameHistoricalelisabeth the usual spelling of the english. popular taken by queen elizabeth i of english (1533 1603). in the 20th century became a trend, because it is the name of elizabeth bowes lyon (1900 2002), who in 1936 became queen elizabeth as the wife of king george vi.