Anselm: Name Meanings of Anselm Baby Names Historical Boy

What Anselm name meanings? In Historical meaning of Anselm name is: derived from german , the combination of the words ans ' god , lord ' + helm ' helmet / hat brought from italy to english by st anselm , who was archbishop of canterbury in the late 11th century and early 12th century , and was honored as a doctor in church. This name origin from Historical, with name first letter A. And the following table for Anselm name meanings.

Meaning of Anselm

First LetterCharacterGenderName OriginName Meaning
A6Boy NameHistoricalderived from german , the combination of the words ans ' god , lord ' + helm ' helmet / hat brought from italy to english by st anselm , who was archbishop of canterbury in the late 11th century and early 12th century , and was honored as a doctor in church