Elton: Name Meanings of Elton Baby Names Historical Boy

What Elton name meanings? In Historical meaning of Elton name is: taken from the family name, originally a local name of some places in the uk. in the uk associated with the singer-songwriter elton john, his real name is reginald kenneth dwight in 1947, he adopted the name in honor of the saxophonist elton dean. . This name origin from Historical, with name first letter E. And the following table for Elton name meanings.

Meaning of Elton

First LetterCharacterGenderName OriginName Meaning
E5Boy NameHistoricaltaken from the family name, originally a local name of some places in the uk. in the uk associated with the singer-songwriter elton john, his real name is reginald kenneth dwight in 1947, he adopted the name in honor of the saxophonist elton dean.